Questions? Email hello@gayforgood.org for immediate help.

Click on the chapter nearest you to learn about what is going on in your town: ArkansasBostonChicagoColumbusDallas-Forth WorthDenverLos AngelesNew York CityOahuOC/Long BeachPalm SpringsPhiladelphiaPhoenixPittsburghRaleigh-DurhamRocky MountainsSan DiegoSan FranciscoSeattleTwin CitiesWashington, DC
No. All volunteer service projects are free of charge. To keep our volunteer events free of charge, we rely on the generosity of donors to help offset the cost of organizing 400+ volunteer events throughout the year. Click here if you would like to make a donation. On occasion, we host ticketed special events and fundraisers separate from our regular recurring volunteer projects.
We welcome inquires on how to start a new chapter. Please send an email to hello@gayforgood.org with your name, your location and anything else you'd like to share and we will follow up to schedule an introductory information call or zoom.
The best way to stay up to date on Gay For Good events is to join the mailing list and select your favorite chapter(s). Most chapters use Mailchimp to send out an announcement as new service projects and events are planned. A running list of events can be found on our website here, or you can visit each chapter’s dedicated webpage to see what they have planned.
Age requirements are set by our partner organizations and vary for each event. If age restrictions are not published on a particular event, please contact the regional chapter to inquire. You can find a list of chapter emails here.