Virtual Events

Make a Difference from Anywhere!

Volunteer from Home | Independent Acts of Service | Group Virtual Volunteer & Social Events

Have a great virtual volunteer opportunity to share? Email with details.
National and regional (local chapter) ideas welcome!

(IMPT: Time zones vary. For group virtual events, please read all details and note time in your region) 

Image of open laptop computer on navy blue background with text to left that says 'Do Good. Do Business. Support us by volunteering a business meeting.' and logo for company givsly

We are thrilled to provide you with a new way to support our mission at GAY FOR GOOD. Our
partners at Givsly provide an outlet for you to create social good without adding another thing to
your busy plate. Givsly is a new volunteering platform that allows business professionals, like
members of our community, a new way to raise money for nonprofits, like us, by volunteering
your time in a virtual business meeting. Now, you can continue to support our mission without
taking any additional time out of your day.

Signing up is easy and takes less than 5 minutes. Make sure to select GAY FOR GOOD on the
“Your Causes” step of the signup process to attach us to your profile to support.
Sign up at