G4G DC + Special Olympics | February 24, 2024

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  • G4G DC + Special Olympics
     February 24, 2024
     8:00 am - 11:00 am

Join G4G DC as we partner with Special Olympics DC in helping support their 2024 Polar Plunge event! Volunteers will be setting up for the event—placing tables and tents, postings signs and other setup activities. (Don’t worry, there’s a team of experts to take care of the polar pool.) This is our first event with Special Olympics DC, so come with your energy, enthusiasm and excitement!

We’ll also plan for food and drinks after the event. Full details to come, but plan to join us and socialize with your fellow Gay for Good volunteers! (Note: attendees will be responsible for their own food and beverage costs.)

Additionally, we will be forming a Gay for Good DC team to participate in the Polar Plunge event that afternoon. Participation is completely voluntary, though Special Olympics has a minimum fundraising requirement in order to take the plunge. ($100 per participant/$50 for students.) If you’d like to join our team, please register here. If you’d like to join us, but have concerns about meeting the fundraising requirement, please contact us.

About The Events On Saturday, February 24

Volunteer Event: Polar Plunge Setup

    • 8am – 11am
    • Yards Park—355 Water St SE, Washington, DC 20003
    • Number of volunteers: 10

Social Event: Brunch

    • 11am – 1pm
    • Location: TBD
    • Note: Attendees will be responsible for their own food and beverage costs.

Partner Organization Event: Polar Plunge

    • 1pm onwards (the G4G team will aim to plunge shortly after brunch)
    • Yards Park—355 Water St SE, Washington, DC 20003
    • Number of slots: unlimited! (Note: If you plan on taking a plunge, be advised of the associated cost: $100/participant; $50/student)
    • Feel free to join us even if you can’t volunteer in the morning, and bring your friends!

About our partner organization: Special Olympics DC is part of the global movement that unleashes the human spirit every day around the world through the transformative power and joy of sport. Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

What is the Polar Plunge?
The Polar Plunge is a very cool way for the community to come out and show their support for the athletes of Special Olympics DC. There will be an above-ground swimming pool erected at the Yards Park, and participants will “take the plunge” to the cheers of the crowd!